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In the fpm-py library, optimizers are functions that update the object and pupil in each iteration of the reconstruction process. These functions are passed as arguments to the reconstruct() function in the module, and they can be customized to suit different reconstruction needs.

Optimizer Function Interface

All optimizer functions must accept a single positional argument of type OptimizerInputs. This data structure provides all necessary information about the current state of the reconstruction process and is passed to the optimizer function by the algorithm.

The optimizer functions must match the following type alias:

OptimizerType = Callable[[OptimizerInputs], tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]

This means the function should accept a single OptimizerInputs argument and return a tuple of two torch.Tensor objects:

  • The updated object tensor.
  • The updated pupil tensor.

Example Optimizer

The tomas function is an example of a built-in optimizer with distinct learning rate and regularization parameters for the object and pupil.

def tomas(
inputs: OptimizerInputs,
alpha: float = 1,
beta: float = 1000
) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:


  • Updates the object and pupil using specific correction terms that incorporate the alpha and beta parameters.
  • alpha is the learning rate for the object, and beta is the learning rate for the pupil.

Lambda Function Optimizers

Just like iteration terminators can be extended with a lmbda function to change keyword parameters, optimizer functions can to.

Let's say you wanted to adjust the learning rates to be:

  • alpha = 100
  • beta = 200

That can be accomplished as follows:

import fpm_py as fpm
from fpm_py.optimizers import tomas

tomas_adj = lambda inputs: tomas(inputs, alpha=100, beta=200)

# assuming image_series is a defined ImageSeries
output = fpm.reconstruct(

Custom Optimizers

You can define your own optimizer functions by adhering to the OptimizerType interface. By utilizing the OptimizerInputs structure, you have access to the object, pupil, and the current state of the Fourier domain, which allows for creating customized update rules.

You can pass your custom optimizer function to the reconstruct() function in place of the built-in optimizers.

For example:

def custom_optimizer(inputs: OptimizerInputs) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
# Custom update logic here
updated_object = inputs.object # Implement your custom object update
updated_pupil = inputs.pupil # Implement your custom pupil update
return updated_object, updated_pupil

output = fpm.reconstruct(image_series, optimizer=custom_optimizer)

By using optimizers, you can finely control the reconstruction process, making it more adaptable to specific imaging needs.