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Iteration Terminators

In the fpm-py library, iteration terminators are functions that control when the iterative reconstruction process should stop. These functions are passed as arguments to the reconstruct() function in the module and can be easily customized to meet specific criteria for terminating the iteration.

Terminator Function Interface

All iteration terminator functions must accept a single positional argument of type TerminatorInputs. This data structure contains all necessary information about the current state of the iteration and is passed to the terminator function by the reconstruction algorithm.

The terminator functions must match the following type alias:

TerminatorType = Callable[[TerminatorInputs], bool]

This means the function should accept a single TerminatorInputs argument and return a boolean value:

  • True: To stop the iteration process.
  • False: To continue iterating.

Example Terminator

The iter_ceil function is an example of a built-in iteration terminator that stops the process after a fixed number of iterations. Here’s how it works:

def iter_ceil(inputs: TerminatorInputs, max_iters: int = 10) -> bool:
return inputs.i >= max_iters


  • The function returns True if the current iteration number inputs.i is greater than or equal to max_iters, causing the reconstruction process to stop.
  • Otherwise, it returns False, allowing the process to continue.

For information on all available built-in iteration terminators, check out iteration_terminators

Lambda Function Iteration Terminators

Let's say you want to use the iter_ceil terminator, but want the ceiling to be placed at 20 iterations rather than 10. To change the keyword argument i while still fitting the TerminatorType structure, you can use a lambda function:

import fpm_py as fpm
from from_py.iteration_terminators import iter_ceil

iter_ceil_20 = lambda inputs: iter_ceil(inputs, max_iter=20)

# assuming image_series is a defined ImageSeries
output = fpm.reconstruct(

Custom Iteration Terminators

You can easily define your own iteration terminator functions too, by adhering to the TerminatorType interface. By utilizing the TerminatorInputs structure, you have access to various parameters of the reconstruction process, which allows for more sophisticated stopping criteria.

You can pass your custom terminator function to the reconstruct() function in place of iter_ceil.

For example:

def converged_terminator(inputs: TerminatorInputs, tolerance: float = 1e-6) -> bool:
if inputs.i == 0:
return False

change = torch.norm(inputs.wave_fourier_new - inputs.wave_fourier)
return change < tolerance

output = fpm.reconstruct(image_series, iteration_terminator=converged_terminator)

If you develop an effective iteration_terminator, you can make a contribution to the library!

By using iteration terminators, you can control and customize the behavior of the reconstruction algorithm to suit your specific needs and ensure efficient processing.