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Using the Reconstruct Function

The reconstruct() function is the core algorithm of the fpm-py library, designed to reconstruct a high-resolution image from a series of low-resolution images captured at different illumination angles. This function utilizes the Fourier Ptychography algorithm to synthesize a detailed spatial domain image from its Fourier domain representations.

Function Signature

def reconstruct(
image_series: ImageSeries,
output_scale_factor: int = None,
pupil_0: torch.Tensor = None,
iteration_terminator: TerminatorType = iter_ceil,
optimizer: OptimizerType = tomas
) -> torch.Tensor:


  • image_series (ImageSeries): The series of images to be used for reconstruction. This object should be an instance of the ImageSeries class, containing multiple ImageCapture objects along with necessary metadata.

  • output_scale_factor (int, optional): The scale factor for the output image size. If not provided, the function calculates the minimum size required for the output image based on the input images.

  • pupil_0 (torch.Tensor, optional): The initial pupil function used in the reconstruction. If not provided, a default circular pupil function will be created.

  • iteration_terminator (TerminatorType, optional): The function used to determine when to stop the iteration process. The default is iter_ceil, which stops after a predefined number of iterations.

  • optimizer (OptimizerType, optional): The optimization function used to update the object and pupil estimates during the reconstruction. The default is the tomas optimizer.


  • torch.Tensor: The reconstructed high-resolution image in the spatial domain, represented as a complex tensor.

How It Works

  1. Initialize the Pupil Function: If pupil_0 is not provided, a default circular pupil function is created to match the size of the images in the series.

  2. Determine Output Image Size: The output image size is either calculated based on the input images or scaled by the provided output_scale_factor.

  3. Initialize Reconstruction: The function initializes the object and pupil with default values and begins the main reconstruction loop.

  4. Reconstruction Loop: For each image in the ImageSeries:

    • Convert the image to the Fourier domain and update the object and pupil estimates.
    • Apply the optimization function to refine the object and pupil.
    • Update the object based on the measured and estimated images.
  5. Return Final Image: After completing the iterations, the function returns the final reconstructed image in the spatial domain.


You may want to do a few conversions after getting the results:

  • Get the magnitude of the reconstruted image. By default, a complex-valued image is returned with both magnitude and phase.
  • Cast the result back to the CPU. Unless you are doing downstream processing on your GPU, you need to explicitly offload the tensor to use it in CPU calculations.
  • Convert to a numpy array, since other libraries may not natively support working with tensors.

Example Usage

Here's a basic example of how to use the reconstruct() function with an ImageSeries object:

import fpm_py as fpm
import torch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Load an example ImageSeries
dataset = fpm.ImageSeries.from_dict("path/to/your/")

# Reconstruct the high-resolution image
output = fpm.reconstruct(dataset)

# Plot the output
plt.imshow(output.abs().cpu().numpy(), cmap="gray")

In this example:

  • Replace "path/to/your/" with the actual path to your dataset.
  • The reconstruct() function is used to obtain a high-resolution image from the dataset.
  • output.abs().cpu().numpy() is called to cast the result into a numpy array of the image's magnitude on the CPU.
  • The resulting image is displayed using Matplotlib.

By using the reconstruct() function, you can leverage the Fourier Ptychography algorithm to create high-resolution images from a series of lower-resolution captures.